Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Sweet Mira of Belle Blanc shared her charming favorite tea cup with us and has asked us to share our favorite with her. I don't drink out of my favorite little cup. I simply wear it. I started collecting small toy size tea cups some years ago, and one day I decided to put one on a length of ribbon so that I could enjoy it more often. Over the years I have added quite a few more, but I'm partial to the plain little white ironstone style. Enjoy.





Hello Carol, thank you for such a nice picture of your Cup, now it's my turn to choose the winner xox Mira!

Scarlett Fiona Reed said...

So cute! What a great idea, I don;t blame you for being partial to that little lovely :)

The Tin Rabbit said...

What a precious idea! I collect vintage childrens teacups too! Have a wonderful New Year! Ann